Thursday, February 11, 2010

Cafeteria food and lecture courses....

So, as I mentioned yesterday I was a subject in a psychological study today in the morning. It essentially involved eating honey nut cheerios in order to correlate how your reward system works to you BMI. Yes, this means I had to step on a scale for the study....all I can say is AHHHHHH!!!

So, I'm not overweight or anything, however I am considerably heavier than I was 6 months ago, I like to say I'm dense...hahah whatever keeps me goin'. Anywho, point is I am scared and something must be done... Either my body stops producing massive amounts of cortisol or I double-up on gym time (somehow???)

See, my objective in life is not to be skinny. No, by no means, I'd rather be thin-ish and happy than eat a plate of raw tofu and call that a meal, like some of my model cohorts around here. However, I do believe in being fit and healthy. Also, I am short. It's a fact of life, and weight just not distribute the same way on me as it does on my 6 feet tall or 1.87ish m. counterparts... this is an issue I must fix... updates later...

Alas, after I finished the study I was talking to the researcher and we ended up discussing classes. I reached a conclusion:

Lecture courses are like cafeteria food, made for the masses, not the best quality, and they probably have unknown side-effects. Seminars on the other hand are like a home-cooked meal. You may not like how it's cooked but at least it was made with you in mind, whatever the result of that may be is-quite frankly- on you.

As a final note, Slush did in fact come to town today. The streets are oozing with yummy brown slush... Don't you just love snow and all its relatives? It's delightful...especially with big-ass trucks speeding down the street getting your sorry self drenched with the delicacy. Yum.

So to all, take seminar courses, avoid cafteria food, go to the gym, be a lab rat for the sciences and beware of the Slush!

Until later,


Back to this...

It's been a while, but all whiles come to an end....and here I find myself back in the world of electronic communications and public intellectual and emotional catharsis. Glad to be back.

On a different note, it snowed today. I'm still not very used to all of this white-shit-from-the-sky business but, why not? As I was walking towards a vagina rehearsal today, I realized that there were actual snowflakes on my coat, strange sight really. I knew they were real but seeing them was something else.

Yes, I will admit I have fallen pray to the romanticized view of snow....however, sanity is proven by the following complaint:
All of the magic would have been all that much more wonderful had I not forgotten to purchase snow boots/rain boots/water repellent things to cover my feet with, and had not ended up skidding across snow on two ice cubes that were formerly known as my feet.

But alas, tomorrow shall be another day and I will have to pick a new pair of shoes to total with the snow and its cousin twice-removed Slush that will most likely be coming to town tomorrow.

Anywho, dearest black hole and provider that is the internet I should probably sign off in views that tomorrow I shall be subject to a psychological study involving cheerios and undisclosed procedures at 9 am. Yay to being a guinea pig for the sciences!

Aware that I have just made no sense,
